Connecting your Google Ads to Advertising Intelligence allows you to show performance of the ads in the Business App Executive Report, Marketing Funnel, and the Advertising Intelligence detailed reports.
If you use Advertising Intelligence to report on performance, we can connect the Google Search Ads and Google Display Ads accounts running through our platform.
How to Connect Google Search Ads and Google Display Ads to Advertising Intelligence
Our team can connect your Google Ads account to Advertising Intelligence once we have been added as a user on the client's Business App account.
Simply add as a user to the account you'd like to connect to, and our team will connect the account(s).
Go into the Business Account in Partner Center and scroll to the Users area to add a user.
Add as a user to the account, and ensure you select Send welcome email.
Once our team receives the welcome email, we will login to the account and connect Advertising Intelligence to the Google Ads Account.
*Allow 1-2 business days for the account to be connected.
Once we've connected the accounts, you can feel free to remove us as a user if you wish.