Automated Google Ads FAQs
Answers to common questions about Automated Google Ads
- How can I add to or change my Search Ads budget?
- Can I Connect Google Ads to Advertising Intelligence?
- What is Google Advertiser Verification?
- Are there types of businesses Google Search Ads do not work for?
- Where do my ads show?
- When will the ads go live?
- When will I start to see traffic on my ads?
- What do the ads look like?
- How is ad copy generated?
- How are the keywords generated?
- Which adwords account are the ads setup under?
- What happens to ad budget not spent?
- How do I upload my products from WooCommerce?
- How do I track performance of the ads?
- How do I view Ad Performance in Google Analytics?
- Do you optimize the campaigns regularly?
- What returns can I expect from Google Ads?
- How do I add Extensions to my ads?
- I’m getting an error when trying to login to my Shoptoit dashboard
- How do I view the current ad balance?
- Who do I contact if I have questions?
- How do I pause / un-pause my ads?
- How do I impersonate a user?